(In English, see below, please scroll down)
Lite om Görans öden och äventyr på Chalmers. Han tog examen på Chalmers Tekniska Högskola i Göteborg 1961, på Arkitektsektionen. Efter att ha börjat på Chalmers 1957 blev han snart inblandad i Chalmersspexet. Det första var Lucrezia, 1958, och därefter kom Katarina II, 1959 och Starke August, 1960. I dessa tre stod han på scenen. I det följande chalmersspexet Klodvig, 1961, spelade han klarinett i orkestern. Andra mera tillfälliga spexiosa sysslor var turnéledare med Katarina II till Flensburg, samt sufflör på finlandsturné.
Han var medförfattare till Katarina II. Som visförfattare medverkade han, förutom i de fyra ovan nämnda spexen, även i Charles II, 1963, Montezuma, 1966 och Alexander, 1967. Senare i livet befann han sig som medförfattare även till John Ericsson, 1982.
Betr. Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningens "Sångboken", se förstasidan Homepage, på svenska, under rubriken "Snaps och dryckesvisor". På bilden från 1959 ovan till höger återfinnes, från vänster: Sigvard Bergström, Göran, och Leif Backéus, som Greg Potemkin, Stan Poniatowski och Sergej Saltykov, i Chalmersspexet Katarina II.
CHALMERS Here follow some notes about Göran's "adventures" at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. He graduated with a Master in Architecture and Urban Planning in 1961. Soon after he started his studies at Chalmers in 1957 he got involved in the "Chalmersspexet".
"Spex" is a Swedish form of theater/ musical/comedy/burlesque created in Swedish Universities and colleges. All roles are performed by men only. The subject is usually a historical person. The music and the singing is always of a very high standard, especially at Chalmers, where "spex" started in 1948. Since then one new "spex" is being produced every year.
The first "spex" Göran participated in was Lucrezia, 1958, and thereafter Katarina II, 1959 and Starke August, 1960. He performed on stage in these three. Next year, Klodvig, 1961, he played the clarinet in the orchestra. He was co-writer of the "spex" the became famous, Katarina II. He wrote song-texts for these four mentioned, and for additional three. He also was a co-writer of John Ericsson, in 1982.
In the picture above on the right side you can see the three rococo guys in Katarina II: Sigvard Bergström, Göran Rygert and Leif Backéus, as Greg Potemkin, Stan Poniatowski and Sergej Saltykov, respectively. The picture is from 1959.
Between 2017and 2019 Göran was on the Board of Directors for Chalmersska Ingenjörsföreningens (CING) USA-CANADA division. In 2017 he and two other Chalmers alumni in Atlanta planned and organized CING's four- day annual meeting in Atlanta, ending with a 65 people party at Rygert's back yard.